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Calling All Visionaries: We Are The Ones We’ve Been Waiting For

I just got back from seeing the movie Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax with my 4 year old, Annabella. Bella and her cousin, Sammy, were chanting, “Let the trees grow!” as we walked out of the theater. Gotta love it!

The movie ends with these words:

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,

Nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”

– Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

This is why the world NEEDS visionaries like you . Powerful people who have a positive message to make the world a better place. Maybe you’re a coach helping people live their dreams and wake up to possibility, or a nutritionist who is dedicated to helping people break away from food addiction, or a parent who is taking a stand to help our children get a better education. Whatever form your mission takes, I trust that you are shining your light for good in the world.

You are part of what Martha Beck calls The Team.

And I’m so grateful for you and your message and your heart and your soul.

As Melissa Etheridge says, “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.” YES!

And here’s the truth; I know how hard it can be to have a vision, a mission, a calling and be struggling with getting it out into the world in a big way. And be trying to figure out how to pay the bills with your bliss. I’ve SO been there!

I get emails everyday from Team members, visionaries, asking me how I’ve managed to create my business, get my book deal and get my message out into the world, all while having a young child in tow. I wish I could personally respond to every single email and invitation for lunch so I can spill the beans. This Wednesday’s webinar is my response to those requests for help and support. Go here to sign up.

The truth is that it hasn’t been easy (and still isn’t…I want to keep growing and stretching and each level of success poses new challenges). My Inner Mean Girl and her Big Fat Lies have gotten in my way, led me astray and made me feel lost on my path. Throw in marketing strategies, click thru rates, sales pages, book marketing and UGH! It can be enough to put any visionary back into bed.

That is why I’m doing a complimentary webinar with my dear friend and fellow visionary, Dr. Lissa Rankin. She’s been in my mastermind group for a year and I just adore her. And I’ve personally watched her go from frustrated entrepreneur to blissed out six figure book deal, TED talk super star. It’s jaw dropping!

We both feel so much inspiration to share all the secrets we’ve learned on our path. Consider this a team meeting for visionaries and way-finders. We’d be honored to have you join us. It’s our gift to you!

Visionary Ignition Switch:

10 Red Hot Secrets to Fire Up your

Message, Money and Meaning in the world

March 14th 10am PT/ 1pm ET

Tune into the webinar live via phone or webcast or grab the recording afterwards.

Register for the webinar here: I’m ready!

On this virtual event you’ll discover:

– The simple thing that quadrupled Lissa’s newsletter subscriber list in 1 month (if you’re not doing this right now, you’ll honestly have a “no duh” moment!)

– The mistake Amy almost made that would have cut her book sales in half (this is so simple you’ll flip out!)

– The one thing Lissa’s agent challenged her to do that changed everything (we will give you the same homework assignment!)

– The best way to turn your sheros and heroes into business partners and friends (get ready to tell your Inner Critic to take a hike!)

– And MORE!

Sign up now gratis and invite your visionary friends so you and your friends can avoid making the same mistakes we made and skip straight to the juicy part of realizing your vision and watching your business – and your life – thrive.

Sending you so much love!!!

With unstoppable enthusiasm,

P.S. Make sure to tune in for our FR*EE 90 minute Webinar Training: Red Hot Secrets to Fire Up your Message, Money and Meaning in the World

We are going to give it up and dish so we can all realize our visions and make the world a better place.

Go here to sign up and get the goods. And feel free to invite your friends.




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Wake Up Call Coaching

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